RAPID CITY, S.D.(KOTA)- The murder of 82 year-old Reta McGovern via cut to the throat on Feb. 10th sent shockwaves through the generally quiet neighborhood she lived in. The crime and circumstances surrounding it have been deemed “unusual”, and likely not a random act of violence by Rapid City Police, says Brendyn Medina, community relations… Read more »
News Author: Hub City Radio Staff
SD Lawmakers trying to figure out what to do with excess money
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota legislators have the unique problem of almost too much money this year. Due to federal Covid-19 funds and good sales tax returns, there could be as much as three hundred million dollars in one-time money. Democratic Representative Ryan Cwach of Yankton says they should focus on pandemic related needs. Cwach says… Read more »
SD House Ag Committe unanimously approve bill to build bio products lab at SDSU
PIERRE, S.D.(KJJQ)- The House Ag and Natural Resources Committee gives first hearing to a bill that would build a bio products laboratory at the South Dakota State University research park for 28-million dollars. They voted unanimously to send the bill to appropriations. SDSU President Dunn says they’re seeking $20 million from the state. The plan… Read more »
Marijuana a major topic of discussion of South Dakota representatives
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Marijuana has become a major topic of discussion for South Dakota lawmakers. Amendment “A” which legalized recreational marijuana has been held up by a court decision and medicinal marijuana, a product of “IM26” appears headed for at least a year’s delay. Representative Mike Stevens of Yankton says there are some bills that attempt… Read more »
SD Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg charged in death Joe Boever
PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg has been charged with three misdemeanors in connection with the death of 55-year-old Joe Boever (beaver) near Highmore on September 12th. Hyde County Assistant States Attorney Emily Sovell (so-VELL) released the charges at a news conference in Pierre Thursday. Ravnsborg hit Boever, who was walking along Highway… Read more »
Pierre pharmacy waiting for allotment of COVID-19 vaccines
PIERRE, S.D.(DakotaRadioGroup)- The Federal Retail Pharmacy Program for COVID-19 vaccination was activated last week in South Dakota, but a Pierre pharmacy on the list still hasn’t received it’s allotment of vaccine. Brother’s Pharmacies, Inc.– more commonly known in Pierre and Fort Pierre as Shane’s Pharmacy– was supposed to be one of 13 across the eastern side… Read more »
SD Dept of Health reported 3 new COVID-19 deaths
PIERRE, S.D. (HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 3 new COVID-related deaths(1 in Brown County), while active cases & hospitalizations both went down, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health today. The death total currently at 1,847. The state had 187 new confirmed cases and 187 recoveries, decreasing active infections to 2,068.… Read more »
Presentation College to host PC Black & White Ball on February 27th
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Coming up on Saturday, February 27th, Presentation College will be hosting the PC Black & White Ball. Executive Assistant to the President Stacy Bauer, & PC Director of Development Barbara Norland talks more about the event. Norland tells us what this event is about. Norland tells us what the fundraiser is for. Norland… Read more »
Safe Harbor SD talks about their latest fundraisng drive(Purse with a Purpose)
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- SafeHarborSD provided an update today on their latest fundraising drive. Gina Karst provides more details on Purse with a Purpose and how to register. Karst tells us when the purses will be given away. For more information on this & to register visit www.safeharborsd.com
SD House Majority Leader tells how the House coped with COVID this week
PIERRE,S.D.(WNAX)- At least eight members of the South Dakota House tested positive for Covid-19 in the past week, but the session is continuing in Pierre. House Majority Leader Kent Peterson of Salem says they have made adjustments. Peterson says they will be flexible. Peterson says leadership has talked about options, but is optimistic they can… Read more »