Congressman Johnson discuss securing the Southern Border

WASHINGTON, D.C.(KELO)- Pressure is mounting on the Biden Administration to secure our southern border.

Last week, the administration closed off rail traffic in two key areas because migrants were hopping trains to get into the U-S.

Congressman Dusty Johnson says the impact of that move is being felt here in South Dakota and throughout farm country.


Johnson is hopeful to see some changes to secure the U-S border with Mexico.

The lack of security at the border has led to near-daily records of numbers of migrants crossing the border illegally.

The reason for Johnson’s optimism is a strong stand being taken by Senate Republicans.

The two railroad crossings into the U-S that were closed are the two that carry most of the farm exports from our region.

Johnson says a measure passed by the U-S House would set things back in order.

Daily and weekly record numbers of migrants are crossing the border illegally…and more are streaming toward the border.