Landowner’s rally Thursday to address property rights

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- They’re calling for a rally in the Capitol Rotunda in Pierre.

Carbon Capture Pipeline opponents are pushing for a change in the State’s eminent domain laws, and how those laws are being used by the private companies proposing the lines.

To get that done, they’ll have to overcome the objections of State Senator Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown.

At the same time, an email Senator Schoenbeck sent to Public Utilities Commissioners sounds a threatening tone on part of the pipeline’s route that could be subject to eminent domain.

The email states the line would go through The Harmony Hills Village Commons…a large senior living facility being planned by the Benedictine Sisters in Watertown.

In the email, Schoenbeck tells the PUC “they need to not go through the housing project, or they won’t like the legislation they’ll see next year.

State Representative Karla Lems of Canton says it appears to be a case of “rules for thee, but not for me.”

The rally is planned for this Thursday at 12pm.