Las Vegas man arrested for burglary of Watertown jewelry store

WATERTOWN, S.D. (KXLG) — A 67-year-old Las Vegas man has been arrested for breaking, entering, and burglarizing the Makepeace Jewelry store in Watertown early Wednesday morning. Police say the man had checked out the jewelry store several times before the robbery occurred, indicating it was a planned event.

Watertown Police Department lead detective Sgt. Chad Stahl says a burglary alarm alerted police, but that downtown security cameras were also helpful in identifying and locating Takism Neriroski later in the morning.

As of early Wednesday afternoon the suspect was not cooperating with police.

Stahl said that Neriroski’s record dates back to the mid 70’s.

Stahl says it’s not believed the suspect committed any other burglaries in Watertown or elsewhere. Neriroskl, who is U.S. Citizen of Yugoslavian decent, appeared to be well versed in what he was doing and what he wanted from the store.

Stahl said the man has been arrested many times throughout the Midwest in the past on burglary and armed robbery charges and that his MO throughout his life has been theft. Police thought it odd the man remained in Watertown after the theft, but that he did not resist arrest when confronted inside the McDonald’s restaurant. It’s also unknown how he landed in Watertown, although he did have a road atlas inside his cluttered car. Police have no reason to believe anyone else was involved with the break in.

The man is charged with third degree burglary, grand theft in excess $100,000, and felony intentional damage to property. Bond was set at $50,000.