Codington County Commissioners receive update from Boys & Girls Club

WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- Louis Canfield is the Director of Youth Diversion and Prevention with the Boys and Girls Club of Watertown and presented an update to the Codington County Commissioners at this week’s meeting, and the program is seeing successes.

Director Canfield talks about the Detention Center.

Commissioner Lee Gabel explains the expected result is to keep people out of jail, especially juveniles.

The highest level in 2017 was 1.4, and the average length of stay after arrest was 7.88 days; now, the average stay is 2.1 in 2023 for a juvenile.

Tobacco or vaping is a concern but on a downward trend from previous years.

Commissioner Myron Johnson asked Canfield if there is a specific age group you start to see concerns.

A rise in alcohol and simple assault is becoming a concern to watch.

Canfield gives an example of handling a situation with a juvenile.

Canfield says truancy is a growing concern, but they are finding more to it than just not wanting to go to school and finding ways to connect them with a mental health professional.

The Codington County Commissioners vote annually to participate in financially supporting the Boys and Girls Club of Watertown and periodically receive updates.