Aberdeen Development Corporation Leadership Transition Announced at the Community Open Forum

ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release)

At a Community Open Forum held by the ADC it was announced that Michael Bockorny, CEO of the Aberdeen Development Corporation (ADC) has informed the ADC Board of Directors that he will be departing the organization effective December 31, 2024. Since August of 2014, Bockorny has played a critical role in the advancement and achievements of the ADC for the Aberdeen community and Northeastern Region of South Dakota. A few of highlights are:

  • Recruitment of numerous new businesses to Aberdeen with the highlight being AG Processing Inc. (AGP).
  • Partnering with NSU to create a business startup center which has grown into the NSU Innovation Center.
  • Assisting countless entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.
  • Enhancing the lobbying efforts for Aberdeen which have led to common sense legislation and funding for many projects including water, housing, and childcare.
  • Assisting 300 plus businesses navigate through the challenges of COVID including applying for and receiving COVID relief grants and loans.
  • The development of Malchow Plaza.

“We want to thank Mike for the years of dedicated service to the ADC, our community, and the State of South Dakota in his role as ADC CEO. His accomplishments are countless, and we will all continue to benefit from them for years to come. On behalf of the ADC Board of Directors we thank him for his leadership and visions which have become realities, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors, stated Tim Hanigan, Chairman of the Board for the ADC.”

Chair Elect of the ADC Board, Kip Hansen then announced that effective October 1, current Board Chairman Tim Hanigan will assume the reigns as Interim CEO of the ADC. “By Tim accepting the position it will allow for appropriate planning and discussion to occur amongst the Board while keeping the work and mission of the ADC moving forward. We are looking forward to future of the ADC and our community. Over the coming months we have much information to digest and planning to undertake, but the work of the ADC continues! The future is bright, and we look forward to doing our part to make Aberdeen the best place to live, work and play, stated Hansen.”

About the Aberdeen Development Corporation:

The Aberdeen Development Corporation was founded in 1955 by a group of visionaries recognizing the need to entice new businesses and industries to the Aberdeen area. These five civic-minded citizens included: Bernard F. Martin, Robert F. Gorder, N. P. Wenge, Henry J. Schmitt, and Chester Lind. The ADC began developing properties in the early 1960s. The first was the Aberdeen Industrial Park and has been followed by numerous other developments. The ADC focuses on 4 key pillars; New Business Recruitment, Business Recruitment and Expansion, Entrepreneurship and Lobbying. The ADC is a 501 C(6) nonprofit corporation.