Congressman Johnson’s Anti-CCP Provision included in annual Defense Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C.(Press Release) – The House Armed Services Committee passed the annual defense bill with U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson’s (R-S.D.) provision from his Ocean Shipping Reform Implementation Act to crack down on China, protect global supply chains, and increase fairness in the markets.

“We’ve seen the positive results of myOcean Shipping Reform Act that became law in 2022, but there is more to be done to secure our supply chains from China,”said Johnson. “My provision requires an independent study and report into the business practices of the Shanghai Shipping Exchange. This study will give us vital information on how to better protect U.S. shippers and manufacturers from the CCP’s unfair business practices.”

Johnson’s provision is included inSec. 3521 of the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces bill. This provision was originally included in Johnson’sOcean Shipping Reform Implementation Act, which passed the House in March 2024 and awaits action in the Senate.

This is a part of his larger effort to protect U.S. ports, shippers, and manufacturers from the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) influence. In February, Rep. Johnson led a coalition of Members urging the Federal Maritime Commission to counter CCP dominance in global shipping exchanges. Last year, Rep. Johnson secured a provision in theNational Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to prohibit the use of the CCP state-controlled shipping platform LOGINK at U.S. ports.