Congressman Johnson takes questions from Boys State

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Tuesday night, Congressman Dusty Johnson fielded questions from members at Boys State on the campus of NSU.

Before the Congressman took questions, he offered some advice to those attending Boys State.

Congressman Johnson was asked about his take on how to compromise with members from both sides of the political spectrum.

Johnson talks about his take on Tik Tok that could be banned in the U.S.

Johnson was asked about China & Russia who poises the biggest threat to the U.S. and the role of NATO.

Johnson was asked about what should be the role of politicans not only in the national spotlight but also in state governments.

Johnson discuss how to improves Indian Reservations specifically at Pine Ridge on the federal level.

Johnson was asked about if the federal government can address privatizing schools across the country.

Johnson offer advice to those who maybe interested in politics at a young age.

Congressman Johnson is a former Boys Stater from over thirty years ago.