Brown County election audit held Monday night

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- A post-election audit of the June 4 primary election took place Monday night at the commission chamber in the Brown County Courthouse Annex.

The Voting Centers being audited are the ones in Stratford & Columbia.  They are recounted the results of the District 1 House race.

The race for each voting center was the following:


Chris Reder 20 votes

Logan Manhart 15 votes

Representative Tamara St. John 10 votes


Logan Manhart 36 votes

Chris Reder 32 votes

Representative Tamara St. John 18 votes

The audit proved theses figures were 100% accurate to the tabulations by the ES&S Machines.

They also recounted the Democratic nomination for President which also was 100% accurate.

Among those in attendance was South Dakota Secretary of State Monae Johnson.  This was the fifth audit that she attended across the state.  All five she attended had 100% accuracy.  This was an issue she campaigned on during the 2022 elections.  Johnson is thrilled to see the results of the audits prove the tabulators are doing the job correctly.

The audit took just over an hour to get done.