Aberdeen City Council discuss resoultion dealing with tax increase on BID district

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen City Council on Monday night addressed the resolution dealing with a potential rate increase for the BID district in downtown Aberdeen from four cents to eight cents per square foot.

Aberdeen City Manager Robin Bobzien talks about how this came about.

The group pushing for this is the Aberdeen Downtown Association.  Executive Director Alexa Sheldon talks about how this district came about.

Sheldon told the council about the survey done earlier this year by the Aberdeen Development Corporation.

Sheldon explain why the rate increase is needed.

Among those in support was business owner Jim Thares.

Thares compare this situation with improvements being made at Northern State.

There was also plenty of opposition to it.  Mariah Bloom, lawyer from Bloom Law Office(based in Rapid City) and former Aberdeen resident, is representing a business owner who she said will pay more than what’s being said.

Bloom talks about how some other property owners might not have a say about this resolution.

Another person oppose to this resolution is the former Mayor of Aberdeen Tim Rich.

Rich believes this tax increase will do little to improve his business.

The Aberdeen City Council weighed in.  Councilwoman Tiffany Langer is on of the liaisons for the Downtown Association.

Langer believes information reported out is not completely accurate.

The other liaison is Councilwoman Erin Fouberg.

Fouberg told Tim Rich that in order to continue to beautify downtown, the tax increase may be needed.

Before move was made to table the motion, Councilman David Novstrup comment on the fact that the city council could do more for the community.

Novstrup offers up a suggestion for the council to consider.

The Aberdeen City Council voted 9-0 to table the resolution.  The council will revisit the resolution on Monday, August 5th.