Minnehaha County receive feedback on Home Rule Charter

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- They were looking for feedback…and they got it.

Minnehaha County Commissioners Dean Karsky and Joe Kippley brought a Home Rule Charter before the Commission Tuesday morning.

The idea would change the structure of County Government, and calls for appointing rather than electing the County Auditor, Treasurer and Register of Deeds.

Sioux Falls resident Michael Stangland and others see the move as targeted toward County Auditor Leah Anderson.

Others say it’s an idea whose time has come.

Joe Kirby was one of the primary supporters of Home Rule for the city of Sioux Falls in the 1990’s…and has been pushing for a similar move by the county.

Register of Deeds Amanda Halsey says she was surprised by the move, which came up suddenly.

Commissioner Jean Bender says Home Rule has been discussed in the past, but didn’t see this proposal until Sunday.

Commissioner Joe Kippley is one of the primary co-authors of the proposed Charter.

He’d like to see it placed  before voters in a general election, but says he’s open on the timeline.

Commissioners didn’t take any action on the idea, but could bring it up again in the future.