Senator Thune express various topics on the Senate floor Thursday

WASHINGTON, D.C.(KMIT)- On Thursday morning, Senator John Thune went on the floor of the U.S. Senate to discuss a variety of topics.

Senator Thune on the Protests Against Netanyahu:

Senator John Thune spoke on the Senate floor decrying the vandalism and violence of protestors that accompanied Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress.

Thune called on public officials to condemn violent protest while upholding the right to more measured free speech.

Senator Thune condemned anti-Semitism and support for terrorism of any kind.

Senator Thune on the Kids’ Online Safety Act:

There are a package of bills coming up for a vote next week in the Senate having to do with cyber safety under the umbrella of the Kids’ Online Safety Act.  One of the measures is John Thune’s Bubble Transparency Act, the Senator explains:

The US Surgeon General has also suggested mandatory warnings on social media sites warning young people that social media has adverse impacts on their mental health.

Senator Thune on the Defense Reauthorization Act:

While the United States is the most powerful country in the world militarily, there are cracks beginning to show in our Armed Forces.  Senator John Thune elaborates:

Thune warns that the threat may be existential.

The Defense Reauthorization Bill hasn’t yet to be brought to the Senate floor for debate and a vote.

Senator Thune on Ellsworth and the B21 Raider Bomber:

As a part of the National Defense Reauthorization Act is funding for the new B21 Raider Bomber which will be based at Ellsworth Airforce Base in western South Dakota.  Senator John Thune referenced it in a speech on the Senate floor.

Thune says defense is important and a top priority.

The National Defense Reauthorization Bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate