PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- The general election process in South Dakota went well on Tuesday. That’s the word from Secretary of State Monae (mo-nay) Johnson, who gives the credit for that to the county auditors, their teams, the poll workers and her team in the state office.
Johnson says county commissions have to have their election canvass completed by Monday.
Brown County Commission will canvas their results on Friday.
In some parts of the state and country, ballots were hand counted because of mistrust for the ballot tabulating machines. Johnson says in South Dakota, the technology worked well.
Once the statewide election canvass is finished, the election results become “official.” Following that, Johnson says counties and the state will conduct their post-election audits as a way to double check the accuracy of the tabulating machines.
Brown County plan to audit their results on November 14th.