Senate State Affairs Committee passes HB1052(No eminent domain for carbon oxide pipelines)

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Daktoa Senate State Affairs Committee heard testimony on Monday on HB1052.  The bill prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide.

Prime sponsor of the bill on the Senate side was Senator Mark Lapka(Lap-key) of Leola.

Lapka talks about the bill not stopping projects from being done in the state.

Lapka discuss the goal of the bill is the issue of landowner rights.

Testifying in favor of the bill was Brown County landowner Craig Schaunaman.

Also testifying  in favor is the new chair of the South Dakota GOP, Jim Eschenbaum who told the committee why he believes he is now the chair of the party.

Opposing the bill was Brett Koenecke, lobbyist for Summit Carbon Solutions who told the committee this will have a negative impact to them.

Koenecke told the committee the ethanol plants in the state are also in support of the project and that the project will proceed with or without South Dakota’s support.

Sam Nelson, lobbyist for the South Dakota Corn Growers Association, discuss his opposition to the bill and he would have like to see an amendment to the bill that would benefit the process.

Committee didn’t put any amendments to the bill.

Kent Hartwig with GEVO believes the bill would kill the pipeline plans if passed.

On the committee itself, Senator Carl of Perry of Aberdeen once again offer his support to the landowners.

Vote was called for a do pass on the bill by the committee and reaction from Chair of the committee, Senator Jim Mehlhaff afterwards.

the bill now heads to the South Dakota Senate floor.