South Dakota Farmers Union Day at State Capitol Wednesday

PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release)- Family farmers and ranchers from across South Dakota traveled to Pierre March 5 to meet with legislators and advocate for agriculture as part of South Dakota Farmers Union Legislative Day 2025.

“Even though agriculture is our state’s largest industry, many of our state’s policymakers do not have an ag background, so family farmers and ranchers travel to Pierre so that legislators can get to know the families their policy impacts,” explained Doug Sombke, President of South Dakota Farmers Union.

South Dakota Farmers Union is a grassroots policy organization and the state’s largest agriculture organization, representing nearly 20,000 family farmers and ranchers. Each year members vote on policy that the organization will lobby for during the Legislative Session. This year the policy issues topping their list are landowner rights, property taxes and election reforms.

“Some South Dakota districts are urban, so as farmers, this Legislative Day is our opportunity to share our story with legislators who may not hear from farmers,” explained Aberdeen farmer, Craig Schaunaman. “If we as farmers don’t tell our story, who will tell our story?”

South Dakota Farmers Union sponsors a meal in the Capitol Rotunda to provide a comfortable setting for candid conversations about policy that impacts South Dakota family farmers and ranchers.

“There is just something about sharing a meal with someone that helps individuals get to know each other,” said Karla Hofhenke, Executive Director of South Dakota Farmers Union. “Our family farmers and ranchers took time away from their operations to share about the challenges and opportunities on their farms and ranches, so we want to provide a comfortable environment for them to meet with as many legislators one-on-one as possible.”

Distinguished Service Award presented to Rep. Kadyn Wittman and Sen. Michael Rohl

In addition to visiting with legislators, Farmers Union members also sat in on a committee hearing and a House and Senate Session. South Dakota Farmers Union also recognized Rep. Kadyn Wittman and Sen. Michael Rohl for their service to the state’s No. 1 industry with the Distinguished Service Award.


To learn more about how South Dakota Farmers Union supports family farmers and ranchers across the state, visit