Update on HB1259(Bathroom bill)

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota Senate debated HB1259.  Reminder the bill prohibit unauthorized access to certain multi-occupancy rooms.  Representative Brandei Schaefbauer prime sponsor the bill on the House side.

On the Senate side, the prime was Senator Mklaya Voita of Bonseteel.

Voita talks about the amendment she added to the bill.

Voita also addressed concerns about if boys mistakenly goes into a girls room.

Opposing the bill on the floor was Senator David Wheeler of Huron.

Wheeler expands the concerns about defining changing rooms.

The South Dakota Senate passed the bill on a 27-6 vote.

On Tuesday, Representative Schaefbauer asked the South Dakota House to concur with the amendment added.

The South Dakota House did concur on a 58-9 vote.  The bill now heads to the Governor’s desk for signature.