SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- South Dakota Legislators and state government leaders are busy measuring the accomplishments of the 2025 legislative session.
For some, the biggest achievement is stripping eminent domain powers from Carbon Capture pipeline companies…a battle that has raged in the legislature for nearly four years.
Pipeline opponent Ed Fischbach is savoring the victory.
The grassroots organization of pipeline opponents is enjoying a string of victories ranging from the state Supreme Court, to an election referendum, and the legislature.
Fischbach says he’s still wary of what may come next.
Fischbach just returned from a trip to Washington, D-C where he was part of a group lobbying Congress on the CO2 pipeline battle.
While he was there, he bumped into leaders from Summit Carbon Solutions – the company that wants to build a CO2 line through South Dakota – busy doing the same thing.