VERMILLION, S.D. (WNAX) – Schools across South Dakota got their report cards last month and results were disappointing in many cases.
Students in grades two through eight and high school juniors take standardized tests. Statewide, 54 percent of students were proficient in reading and writing, 47 percent did well in math and only 40 percent got science.
In the Vermillion School District, results were a little better with a 69 percent rating in language, 53 percent in math and 50 percent in science.
Superintendent Damon Alvey says they look at the state averages and their past scores.
Alvey says they do take guidance from the testing.
Alvey says they have had good test scores in reading and writing over the past few cycles.
The state changed to a new standardized test in 2016 which has influenced the scores.