New CARE19 app available to state residents

PIERRE, S.D. ( – Gov. Kristi Noem said that residents of the state will have access to a new app that will help better track their past movements as a tool to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

During her daily news conference, Noem said there is no requirement to get the app and that individuals can opt out at any time or delete information if they want. However, should a person test postive for CARE19, the app would serve a useful purpose.

Information on the app can be found on the state’s COVID-19 website:

Noem also addressed the Smithfield Plant situation in Sioux Falls. The company has been a hotspot for the virus in Minnehaha County and has decided to take measures to address that.

The state reported 54 new positive cases, 345 new negative cases and 15 more recoveries on Thursday. Brown County reported one new positive case, bringing the total to 14, to go along with nine recoveries.

Unemployment numbers continue to soar in the state. Noem talked about the additional $600 per week allowed to each individual.