ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release) – Recently, medical facilities have witnessed a sudden spike in COVID-19 cases in southeast South Dakota, and Certified Nurse Practitioner Eric Noyes believes nurses in our area are ready to meet the challenge.
Noyes (Nursing, PC Class of 1994 & 1996), works at Avera Medical Group-Internal Medicine in Sioux Falls, SD, where preparations were underway for an anticipated increase in Covid-19 cases that have now resulted in an unprecedented need for patient care. He says during uncertain times, he thinks back to his early training and experiences at Presentation College and the values instilled through his training. “Altruism in Nursing has been a guiding principle throughout my career,” he said. “I am very lucky to have had my years at PC to develop those values.”
In the past weeks, in his role as part of Avera’s leadership team, Noyes is reviewing safety procedures, making staff assignments and helping finalize the hospital’s plans for emergent patient care. He says he’s found himself thinking about the ways that his nursing colleagues across the country have stepped forward in past crisis and disaster situations. He knows Covid-19 is like nothing anyone has ever seen before, and doctors and nurses may be pushed to their limits in their efforts to save lives. Noyes says, “I’ve measured myself by the leadership standards I learned at PC, all through the progression of my career. The Presentation value of caring for the whole person arches over everything we do at the bedside.”