Recap of Special Session regarding redistricting Monday

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Here’s a look back at what happened in Pierre Monday regarding setting the districts in South Dakota for the next 10 years.

In the morning, the two chambers set up Affairs Committees for both the House & Senate to get approvals of the maps from each chamber.

The House Affair Committee approved the Grouse map on a 9-4 vote.  The Senate Affair Committee approved the Blackbird map on a 7-2 vote.  Both maps went to the chamber’s floor.

On the House floor, Representative Drew Dennert discussed the goals he tried to achieve with the Grouse map.

First off Dennert talks about deviation which he said should be approved by the courts.

Next he talks about trying to keep communities of interest and gave the example of the state capital.

The third point he emphasized was keeping counties as much as together as possible.

Finally he talks about the Native American vote in the state in his proposed map.

Here’s how the South Dakota House voted on the map.

The House map moved on to the Senate.

The Senators did approve of the Blackbird map on 20-15 vote and moved on to the House. Upon receiving the map, the House setup another Affair Committee to make determinations about the Blackbird map.

Once the Senate received the House map, Senator Mary Duvall put an amendment to it.

Amendment was approved.

The Senate adjourned at about 7:45pm.  They will reconvene about 2 hours after the House finishes their business.

The House adjourned shortly after 9pm.  They will reconvene to deal with the maps at 2pm Tuesday.

The South Dakota Legislature has until December 1st to approve a final map or else it will be done at the State Supreme Court.