Mitchell & Huron school boards ends mask mandate

MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- The mask mandate has ended in the Mitchell School District.  The mandate was in effect during the entire 2020-21 school year, was relaxed during the summer, and was re-adopted by the Mitchell School Board at the beginning of the current school year.  Mitchell Schools Superintendent Joe Graves recommended the mask requirement come to an end.

COVID-19 numbers have been low in the Mitchell School District this year.  Graves says he is not sure if the mask mandate is the reason why.

Graves says even if the numbers do increase again in the Mitchell School District, the mask mandate is unlikely to be revisited by the board and the district.

The vote was 3-2 to end the mask mandate in the Mitchell School District.

HURON, S.D.(KOKK)- The Monday Night Huron School Board meeting was held at the Huron High School auditorium to accommodate public comments.  Public response to mask requirements has been a common addition to the regular meetings.  Superintendent Dr. Kraig Steinhoff in his report outlined changed to the Pandemic contingency plan.

Steinhoff said the numbers have recently been below the 22 case number at the top of the green threshold.  Last Friday the district wide count was 7 and the week before 8.  He said removing the masking requirement makes sense.

The school boards actions on the masking policy reduced the comments from community input section.  Mike Guthrie commended the board for their follow up and decision.

The Huron School District is at the green threshold today and no masks are required in any district facility.