No bond for Crystal Pumpkinseed in 2nd degree murder case

PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- A judge in Hughes County has ordered no bond for a Pierre woman charged with 2nd Degree Murder.  Appearing in court through a video stream from the Hughes County Jail, 38 year-old Crystal Pumpkinseed was very emotional, sobbing while responding to Magistrate Judge Tara Adamski as Adamski read the charge to Pumpkinseed.  Hughes County States Attorney Jessica LaMie says a significant criminal history played into her request for no bond.

LaMie says a judge issuing no bond is common for a series charge like 2nd Degree Murder.

LaMie says 2nd Degree Murder is South Dakota’s second most serious homicide charge.

The victim was identified by the initials C-M in court by Adamski.  LaMie says the case will go before a Hughes County grand jury.  Pumpkinseed has applied for a court-appointed attorney and was appointed attorney Brad Schreiber of Pierre.  Arraignment has been tentatively set for March 22nd at 9AM.