U.S. Secretary of Treasury appeared in South Dakota

PINE RIDGE, S.D.(KCCR)- While the impeachment proceeding of former South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg grabbed most of the attention in Pierre Tuesday.  A member of U-S President Joe Biden’s cabinet slipped into town at Pierre Regional Airport.

From Pierre, Yellen was transported to Pine Ridge in a convoy consisting of a South Dakota Highway Patrol escort and four Secret Service S-U-Vs.  Pierre City Commissioner Jamie Huizenga says Yellen’s brief time in Pierre shows the versatility of Pierre’s airport.

Huizenga joked that the Pierre Regional Airport is a bi-partisan place to travel from.

Yellen was visiting the Rosebud Indian Reservation to discuss the American Rescue Plan and its impact on the tribes’ recovery from Covid-19.  The visit was the first for a U-S Treasury Secretary to a tribal nation.