South Dakota Beef Industry council hosted an event in Sturgis Tuesday

STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – It was Beef and Beer last night as local cattle producers and beef lovers gathered at the Sturgis Brewing Company to sample delicious ribeye, skirt steak and flank steak prepared by two German chefs and a Food Network celebrity who were visiting our area at the invitation of the  South Dakota Beef Industry Council.

Rudiger Brummer (Rood-eh-gurr Broom-err) and Hauke (How-kuh) Grant host a BBQ show on German television called Die  Grillerei (Dee Grill-er-eye) – translated that means  “The Barbeque”.

The two gentlemen, along with their production crew, has spent time with local beef producers like Les and Ann Shaw of White Owl to get a close up, hands-on look at how producers raise high quality beef….

Local Food Network celebrity and Team Beef South Dakota chef Justin Warner hosted the meet and greet, organized by the South Dakota Beef Industry Council. Attendees got the chance to sample local cuts of beef, and washed it down with local brews from the Sturgis Brewing Company.

Shaw says the German chefs will take this experience home and market South Dakota and US beef throughout Europe.

The German chefs and their crew return home to Hamburg, Germany at the end of this week.