Retrieving Freedom, Inc. to visit Aberdeen

WAVERLY, I.A.(Press Release)- Army veteran Trent Dirks of Iowa is traveling across the United States to share his story of battling PTSD and receiving his Service Dog Tracer through Retrieving Freedom, Inc.

“One day in July of 2017, I was driving down the road, depressed and seriously considering committing suicide, and while I was crying Tracer stood up on the center console of my truck and started licking the tears from my face. He pawed at my hand and he gave me a look. The look on his face was, “Don’t do it I need you here.” It was
that moment I knew I needed to do something. “I would not be here today if I didn’t
have Tracer.”

Trent will be traveling to Aberdeen, SD March 31st- April 2nd, 2023 to share the incredible mission of Retrieving Freedom, Inc to train and place Service Dogs for Veterans with Disabilities and children with autism at no charge nationwide. To learn more about Trent and Tracer and hear his incredible story please reach out today.

Check out the website