ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen City Council passed the first reading on next year’s budget. City Manager Joe Gaa explains that this budget is balanced.
The Aberdeen City Council members started placing amendments to the budget starting with Councilman David Novstrup amendment impacting economic development.
City Manager Gaa express his opposition to adding new staff members to any department.
Councilwoman Tiffany Langer opposed the amendment.
Councilwoman Erin Fouberg talks about the audit dealing with the finance department.
Councilman Rob Ronayne talks about not abandoning economic development & hear from new City Manager Robin Bobzien.
The City Council voted against David Novstrup’s amendment on a 7-2 vote.
Next amendment came from Councilwoman Fouberg requesting money from the budget to go to Aberdeen Development Corporation.
Councilwoman Langer would go along with it if they would file updates with the council.
Councilwoman Langer would oppose the amendment. However, the amendment was approved on a 5-4 vote with Mayor Travis Schaunaman breaking the tie.
Councilman Novstrup offered another amendment to deal with better communication with the public.
Novstrup explains why he proposed the amendment.
Councilman Josh Rife offers his support for this amendment.
Councilwoman Langer likes the concept but questions where to get the money from.
Mayor Schaunaman likes the idea but too questions where to take the money from.
The council defeated the amendment on a 6-3 vote.
The Aberdeen City Council afterwards voted to approve the budget on a 9-0 vote. Second reading and maybe final approval will be Monday, September 18th.