ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release) – The Chamber’s Agribusiness Committee will be holding its annual 4th Grade Ag Fair on Tuesday, April 25 at the Brown County Fairgrounds. Partnering with Groton FFA, Agtegra Cooperative and the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition, the fair will feature education and hands-on stations showcasing livestock, crops, farm safety, soil health and more. There will be over 550 4th grade students and their teachers from 27 classrooms within Aberdeen and from the surrounding area.
The purpose of the 4th Grade Ag Fair is to help teach the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. This coincides with what the students are learning in their classrooms.
This year’s fair is sponsored by Farm Credit Services of America, Agtegra Cooperative, American Bank & Trust, Artz Equipment Inc, BankNorth, CorTrust Bank, Crawford Trucks & Equipment, Dacotah Bank, Glacial Lakes Energy, Groton Ag Partners, Hub City Livestock Auction, John Sieh Agency, Midwest Veterinary Service, Northern Electric Cooperative, Northern Plains Animal Health, Plains Commerce Bank, RDO Equipment Company and Titan Machinery Aberdeen.
For more information, contact Lisa Anderson at the Chamber at 605-225-2860 or lisa@aberdeen-chamber.com.