Aberdeen City Council address second reading on ordinances to address water treatment plant & new water tower

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Two weeks ago, the Aberdeen City Council did first reading on a series of ordinances addressing the need to improve the water treatment plant & for the new water tower on the east end of town.  Monday night was the second reading & final approval of those projects.

During the Open Forum of the meeting, Aberdeen resident Stuart Vickes looked to clarify what the projected twenty dollar increase on the water bill for these projects.

Vickes express concerns about locations that uses more water, whether they would be exempt from paying the extra fee.

Mayor Travis Schaunaman explains the rate increase.

Mayor Schaunaman offer a suggestion of using an escalating fee rather than a flat rate increase for future projects.

Mayor Schaunaman compare how rates are determined compared to other municipalities.

Councilwoman Erin Fouberg inform the public that the rate currently paid for now is among the lowest in the state.

Council approves the ordinances on a unanimous vote.