ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen City Council on Thursday held a work session. The topic was a discussion on strategic visioning. Each of the city department presented their initiatives & priorities for the upcoming budget. City Manager Joe Gaa offered a response to each one.
- 2023 initiatives: Staff Recruitment/Retention, Staff Training/Education, Efforts to mitigate domestic violence, drug abuse, and mental health concerns, Crime Prevention.
- Hire, Train, and Retain Police Officers
- Training and Continued Education
- Extra Duty Assignments
- Continue Fleet Improvement Plan
- Staffing Needs
City Manager Review
- Budget Stability is Key to Public Safety
- Recruitment and Retention of Officers is a Nationwide Issue
- Collective Bargaining Negotiations are Every Other Year
- Continue Fleet Improvement Plan
- Community Health Response and Resource Officer is Needed
- 2023 Initiatives: Three new FF/Parademic Positions added in 2023, Fill current and upcoming vacancies, Contracted Fire Safety Consultant, Equipment Replacement, New Rescue/Pumper on the way
2024/25 Priorities:
- Remodels @ Station 1 and 3, Station 4 Planning
- Continued Significant Equipment Replacement
- Succession Planning
- Staffing Needs
City Manager Review:
- Station 3 Improvements- Coorinate with Airport
- Planning for Station 4 Should be Sooner than Later
- Staffing
- Some Equipment Replacement Planning in Place
- A new bond should be issued for Station 4 construction & improvements at other stations.
Public Works:
- 2023 Initiatives: Continued Maintenance/Capital Projects, Develop a Plan for a new Public Works Facility, Continued Design/bidding for an Additional Water Tower, Develop an Asset Management Program.
2024/25 Priorities:
- Construction of a Public Works Facility
- Construction of a New Water Tower and Related Infrastructure
- Construction of N Kline Street Infrastructure
- Public Works Equipment Fleet Updates
- Staffing Needs
City Manager Review:
- Construction of a new Public Works Facility is the most important facility need at the current time.
- Look at ways to increase the frequency of streets preventative maintenance programs.
- Continual updating of a 5-year improvement plan for streets and utilities.
- Succession planning should be inclusive of all Engineering and Public Works Area
Water Treatment:
- 2023 Initiatives: Update the SCADA system and replace obsolete control system components, replace worn out sludge pumping system, bring on a new maintenace supervisor
2024/25 Priorities
- Continue to work on developing redundancy in treatment components
- Clear well/Reservoir replacement and upgrades
- Staffing
City Manager Review:
- Continue to maintain systems and make small changes to continue operation of the water plant
- Planning for the WINS project will resolve long-term issues in water capacity and quality
Wastewater Treatment:
- 2023 Initiative: Complete plan and specs for a $57 million upgrade and expansion, Finalize Rate Study Succession Planning
2024/25 Priorities
- Bid facility upgrades and construction activites
- Assist existing industrial users with possible expansion needs
- Assist current employees with training, education, & promotions
- Staffing
City Manager Review
- The fruits of our labor in wastewater planning will become visible in the upcoming years
- Prior to construction beginning in 2024, the City should add a facilities engineer
- Look at ways to be more efficient in water & wastewater staffing
Planning & Zoning:
- 2023 Initiatives: Vacant building registration, coordinate with police on code enforcement issues, revise residential inspection forms, minimize variance requirements
2024/25 Priorities
- Complete an updated housing study
- Add new Building Inspector
- Adopt new version of building, plumbing, and property maintenance codes
City Manager Review:
- Biggest challenge is being proactive & have positive growth without being too forgiving
- Completing a Housing Study in 2024
- Looking at some of the ordinances and protocols is on-going and seen as a big need in the community
- 2023 Initiatives: Projects, training & compliance, use of one time federal funding mostly for offsetting operations
2024/25 Priorities
- General Aviation Ramp Reconstruction Phase 2
- Continued development of the Marketing Plan
- Continued upgrade to equipment and operating systems
City Manager Review:
- The FAA funding through the AIP program is invaluable
- Non-AIP equipment and vehicles should be part of the overall City Fleet planning process
- Having Commercial Air Service in Aberdeen is important to Quality of Life and Economic Development
- One time federal funding during COVID will be coming to an end
Ride Line
- 2023 Initiatives: Succession planning for mechanics, planning for equipment replacement and facility needs, balancing demand with the need for additional buses and drivers
2024/25 Priorities:
- Facility Repairs
- Additional Buses and Drivers needed to meet demand
City Manager Review:
- Awaiting new buses has been a new challenge and need for P/T drivers
- Hear need for additional services while running at capacity now
- Planning for facility improvements/replacement as part of Public Works facility planning
- 2023 Initiatives: Enhanced outreach efforts, cross-training for staff, continue to be a community hub, promoting technology resources
2024/25 Priorities:
- Increased outreach efforts
- Sustainable funding for streaming services
- Educational opportunites for staff
- Staffing
City Manager Review:
- The library is a hidden gem, improved communication is essential
- Programming is evolving
- Annual increases for material costs, software, and technology
Parks & Rec:
- 2023 Initiatives: Review fee structures, design a new addition to the Senior Center, design/rebuild Moccasin Creek Softball Complex, Phase 1 of Trail of Nature Park, continue to add camping cabins at Wylie Park, complete Fossum Field Master Plan, golf course drainage improvements
2024/25 Priorities:
- Playground Replacement Planning
- Examine possible uses of Civic Arena
- Update Master Plan for Storybook Land & Wylie Park
- Develop funding plans for facilities improvements
- Maintenance of existing facilities
- Staffing
City Manager Review:
- Parks & Rec is an important element of Quality of Life in thriving communities
- Finding outside funding for expansion & addition of Park & Rec facilities is essential
- Staff turnover in key positions likely in the next few years
- Facility Maintenance and New Asset Acquisition will be big topics
- 2023 Initiatives: Review/enhance accounting, financial reporting processes, policy manual updates, review banking services, telephone system migration, hardware/software updates
2024/25 Priorities:
- Agenda & Records Management Software
- Education and Training of Staff in New Positions
- Partner with Dakota State for network vulnerability assessment
- City Council Video Production hardware and software
- Staffing
City Manager Review:
- Enhancing Accounting, Financial Reporting Processes and internal Controls
- Most Finance Office staff are new to the department
- IT staff of 2 Employees serve 275 users and multiple systems
Human Resources:
- 2023 Initiatives: Recruitment, training, and retention of new employees, Updating safety manual, On-going training, Prepare any procedural changes for medical marijuana
2024/25 Priorities
- Employee Benefits Review
- Utilize more online services
- 2024 Union Negotiation with police & fire
- 2024 Property Valuation with SDPAA
- 2025 Loss Control Survey
- Staffing
City Manager Review:
- Maintaining Market Based Compensation and Benefits is Critical
- Evaluation & Re-scaling of Specific Positions
- Review & Re-structure Pay Scale
- Pay and Compensation
- Does the Risk Management Coordinator belong in HR?
City Attorney:
- 2023 Initiatives: Review/Update various ordinances, identify ways to streamline zoning approvals/processes, assist with WINS project development, review/develop policies for use of TIFs
2024/25 Priorities:
- Implement new document management system
- Ordinance reviews for simplification and reduction
City Manager Review:
- City Attorney is an integral part of the upper administration
- City Attorney-Can we do it?
- City Manager- Should we do it?
- Department Heads- How will we do it?
City Manager’s Office
Major Initiatives:
- Economics Development/Communications
- WINS Project
- Community Growth
- Staffing: Deputy City Manager