ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Aberdeen City Manager Joe Gaa talked about what’s happening the end of this year & looking ahead to next year’s budget.
Gaa explains why they are starting the process for next year’s budget now.
One of the big issues coming up is staffing for the various departments. Gaa talks about this will be one of the main focus item for next year’s budget.
Gaa talks funding for the police department to deal with the issue of mental health.
Gaa talks about the potential need for a new Aberdeen Fire Station(Station #4).
Gaa discuss roadwork being done along Northeast 8th Ave.
The major project being done this year is South Dakota Street from Railroad to South Sixth Avenue and work being done on Milwaukee Avenue.
Gaa provide update on water and wastewater projects.
Gaa discuss the projected length of time before we start seeing water from the Missouri River.
Gaa talks about how much the City could see from the Housing bill that was passed and by signed by the Governor this year.
The budget for FY2024 is projected to be around $100 million.