American Red Cross looking for blood donors

WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- The American Red Cross is experiencing a historic emergency blood shortage due to the nation’s lowest number of people donating blood in 20 years.

KXLG News spoke with Sue Thesenga, Regional Communications Manager with the American Red Cross in the Minnesota and Dakotas Region, live on KXLG to discuss the shortage and how people can get involved.

Thesenga talks more about the emergency blood shortage.

You can see what times are available on the website.

There is even an app you can download.

Although the donations don’t always stay in the same community or within the state, the Red Cross is one of the first to respond to certain disasters and help individuals and families. Those volunteers are typically right from within the area surrounding the disaster.

Nothing is more impactful than helping save someone’s life, but the American Red Cross does have various incentives.

Often, you may also see a five- or ten-dollar gift card to a restaurant or other retail location offered as an incentive.

Regarding incentives to why one should donate, if possible, the impact is more significant than one may think.

One single-vehicle crash victim could require as much as 100 units of blood, and one person can donate, on average, 10 – 12 units, showing it would take approximately ten or more people or donations to help just one crash victim.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.9 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2023. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy.

If you cannot donate blood for any reason, there are also many volunteer opportunities….