Attorney General Jackley reflect about his time at the RNC in Milwaukee

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- Former President Donald Trump closed out the Republican National Convention with his nomination acceptance speech Thursday night.

His tone was softer than the past, many believe because of the attempt on his life last weekend, as he worked the convention theme of unity.

Attorney General Marty Jackley attended the first two days of the convention in Milwaukee, and says that theme was effective.

Jackley says the unity theme was also strengthened by the former President’s presence for speeches each night of the convention.

Jackley says the attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life set the stage.

Many observers say the former President’s tone was much softer than in the past, which they believe was welcomed by the public.

Jackley says the use of everyday Americans in prime time speeches was a powerful approach.

Jackley says this year’s convention is the first one he remembers in which the nominee was in the convention hall during those speeches…which made it even more effective.