Ballot measure to repeal the grocery tax turned in to the Secretary of State’s Office

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- The petitions are filed…now the review begins.

Rick Weiland filed petitions for a ballot a measure to repeal South Dakota’s sales tax on groceries.

He’s confident they have enough signatures to make the ballot.

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Weiland’s group is also circulating petitions for a constitutional amendment to restore abortion rights in South Dakota, and will be delivering those petitions soon.

If the sales tax on food is removed, how will that impact the state budget?

That’s a question Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton has been wrestling with the last few years.

She chairs the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee, and says this year’s budget was tight.

But, she says trying to patch a hole of at least 100-million dollars without the food tax will make the challenge much more difficult.

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Senator Hunhoff says walking the line between increasing taxes or cutting services is a tight wire.
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Senator Hunhoff says it will be even more challenging because the appropriations committee is losing several members this year.