Brown County Auditor Lynn Heupel describe the process for counting votes

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The 2024 Primary election is taking place today across the state of South Dakota.  Brown County Auditor Lynn Heupel talks about the process that they will be using to tabulate votes and send them to the Secretary of State’s Office.  Prior to election day, Heupel informed us that 1,396 citizens voted either early prior to today.

Heupel runs down where to vote in Brown County today.

Columbia also has a voting center to cast votes in.  The polls are closed at 7pm.

Heupel talks about the process of counting votes.

The county will use the ES&S machine to count the votes.  They will communicate them to the Secretary of State’s Office.  The Office can’t officially post them until 8pm on their website because west river will still be voting until 7pm Mountain time(8pm Central time).

If anyone is interested in being a poll watcher for these elections, Heupel runs down the process.

The South Dakota Legislature passed a bill this year to make counties do manual recount of five percent of their county.  Heupel talks about when that will be done here.

The Brown County Commission will canvas the results at 10am Friday morning.