ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Thursday, the South Dakota State Supreme Court ruled in favor of lawnowners versus Summit Carbon Solutions. The ruling determined that CO2 is not a commodity and that SCS is not a common carrier.
Brown County landowner Jared Bossly reflect on the decision that was made.
Audio PlayerOne of statement release by the Supreme Court is landowners receiving documentation requested to them including plume studies dealing with the health and safety of the pipelines.
Audio PlayerBossly was one of the first plantiffs back in 2022 versus Summit. For those not familiar, he reminds everyone what they did to his farm back in 2023.
Audio PlayerBossly discuss Referred Law 21 that address among other things the issue of local control.
Audio PlayerBossly also talks about what the role the next legislature should play in 2025.
Audio PlayerLandowners for Eminent Domain Reform(LEDR) will host an informational meeting at the Ramkota on Monday, September 9th at 6pm.