Brown County Sheriff Dave Lunzman address lack of raise by Brown County Commission

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Brown County Sheriff Dave Lunzman delivered an update on the Sheriff Department to the Brown County Commission.  Sheriff Lunzman discuss two main issues with the commission.

The first one is questioning why the Brown County Commission didn’t authorize a raise for him for 2025.

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Commissioner Duane Sutton told the sheriff one of the reason why was his hiring of his wife MJ Lunzman.

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Sheriff Lunzman address the issue of hiring his wife.

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Sutton explains to the Sheriff that the denial only applies to him and not impact other department within Brown County.

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Sheriff Lunzman feels this is an example of the Commission looking to oversight what’s happening at his department.

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Lunzman gave various examples during the course of the meeting.  One dealing with the potential for the new regional jail at the eastern end of Aberdeen.

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The Brown County Commission reacted to his statements by talking about the deal that they had prior to it.

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The other issue Sheriff Lunzman addressed to the Commission was the role of the County Coroner.

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Sheriff Lunzman made a request for additional pay for his and the Deputy Sheriff’s role as coroners.

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Commissioner Sutton questions Sheriff Lunzman on why he didn’t request this back in June.

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Commissioner Sutton defended what the role Brown County Commission plays in regard to the Sheriff’s Department.

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In the end, Commissioner Mike Wiese believes this is a personnel matter and should be address closed door session and Sheriff Lunzman’s wife, MJ believe this should be made public.

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No further action was made by the Brown County Commission.