CANTON, S.D.(WNAX)- Veteran republican Senator Jim Bolin of Canton won re-election this week to his fourth term from District 16.
He says this will be his last term in Pierre.
Audio PlayerBolin says he wants to change committees in the upcoming session.
Audio PlayerBolin says legislators will have a number of big issues to consider.
Audio PlayerBolin, a retired teacher, previously served eight years in the state House.
LESTERVILLE, S.D.(WNAX)- One election night upset happened in District 18 where republican Julie Auch of Lesterville finished in second place, beating out democratic incumbent Representative Ryan Cwach of Yankton.
Auch said she knew it would be a close race and is now preparing for the session in January.
Audio PlayerAuch says she is undecided on which committee she wants to serve.
Audio PlayerAuch says she wants to respond to the concerns she heard about during the campaign.
Audio PlayerAuch finished one hundred fifty five votes ahead of Cwach, within the margin for a recount. Cwach says he hasn’t decided yet if he will ask for a recount.
VERMILLION, S.D.(WNAX)- Chris Kassin of Vermillion finished first among the three candidates for a District 17 House seat with thirty nine percent of the vote.
He says he tried to be positive during the campaign.
Audio PlayerKassin, a republican, says he listened a lot during the campaign.
Audio PlayerKassin says he is undecided on committee assignments.
Audio PlayerBill Shorma of Dakota Dunes was also elected to a District 17 House seat.