ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Councilwoman Erin Fouberg of the Aberdeen City Council at the end of the meeting Monday to praise the work done by the Library Board with regard to what’s happening out at Storybook Land. Fouberg was looking for ways that the city can acknowledge other great things happening in the city of Aberdeen. Mayor… Read more »
News Category: KSDN News
Aberdeen City Council discuss the issue of excess storage buildings
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Aberdeen City Manager Robin Bobzien during his report on Monday night address excess surplus buildings. Bobzien referred this to City Attorney Ron Wager who went over the process. Wager inform the council that the process to sale must abide by the law. Wager wanted to bring this to the attention to the City… Read more »
Aberdeen City Council deny funding to expand wastewater treatment capacity
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen City Council on Monday night addressed funding needed in order to expand capacity for the wastewater treatment plant. Public Works Director Stu Nelson said the budget request Rice Lake West in Colorado was about $35 million over budget. Nelson suggest to decline the bid offered by Rice Lake West. Nelson believe… Read more »
Hughes County looking into pay for new employees
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- Hughes County may look take a fresh look at how it pays it’s employees. The topic came up following requests to make various wage adjustments so that longer tenured employees were making more that new employees. Commissioner Rob Fines says these discrepancies have been happening for a long time. Commission Chair Tom Rounds… Read more »
Aberdeen, SD Mosquito Spraying scheduled for Wednesday, July 3rd
ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release) The City of Aberdeen has scheduled a city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes on Wednesday, July 3rd between the hours of 8:30 pm and 12:30 am. The adulticiding equipment is noisy and travels at 10 mph. The mosquito control trucks are identified and travel with a flashing yellow light. To ensure spray effectiveness during… Read more »
Fort Pierre held public hearing Monday involving water storage tank
FORT PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- A public hearing was held Monday in Fort Pierre for residents to give their input on a proposed water storage tank under consideration by the Fort Pierre City Council. After a repeat presentation on the project by engineering firm Bartlett and West, Council member Larry Cronin continued his opposition. Councilman Todd Bernhard… Read more »
Sioux Falls Police looking into shooting happened on Sunday
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- Sioux Falls police are investigating a Sunday morning shooting incident that took place in the parking lot of a business in the one-thousand block of north Minnesota Avenue. A number of witnesses say people shooting at each other from two different vehicles. Lieutenant Nick Butler says a gun was found in the… Read more »
Attorney General Jackley react to U.S. Supreme Court ruling dealing with federal bureaucrats
PIERRE, S.D.(KELO)- It’s a ruling that overturns more than 40 years of dominance by federal bureaucrats in legal disputes. Attorney General Marty Jackley is celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling handed down just days ago. Jackley says the ruling ends the practice of federal agencies and bureaucrats wielding too much power over states and their… Read more »
Road closures for Wednesday planned for utility work
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at 8am Wednesday, July 3, 2024, the following roads will be closed to thru traffic for utility work: 3rd Ave. SE from S. Lincoln St. to S. Washington St. and Lincoln St. from 7th Ave. NE to 8th Ave. NE These roads are scheduled to be closed until approximately 5pm Monday,… Read more »
3rd Street from 9th to 10th Ave SW closed for new water service line
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at 8:30 am Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the following road will be closed to thru traffic for a new water service line install: 3rd St. from 9th Ave. SW to 10th Ave. SW The road is scheduled to be closed until approximately 5 pm or until finished. Motorists are advised to… Read more »