SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(SD NewsWatch)- Medical providers and patients all face major challenges in navigating a patchwork system of health care in rural and reservation areas of South Dakota. Here is South Dakota News Watch reporter Bart Pfankuch with a report.(1:11) For more on this story, go online to
News Category: KSDN News
ADA’s Summer Concert Series kickoffs Thursday
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen Downtown Association will be hosting their first of three summer concert planned for the plaza coming up on Thursday. The band performing is the Aaron Nichols Band from Nashville, TN. Executive Director Alexa Sheldon describes their music. Sheldon runs down the times the concert is scheduled for. Rain is in the… Read more »
437 project to assist the Helpline Center
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- Central South Dakota residents Jessica Rumpca of Pierre and Carmen Peterson of Philip will be taking part with 10 others in The 437 project, a cross state run to raise money for the Helpline Center. The event is entering its third year and Rumpca says funds collected over the years have supported the… Read more »
South Dakota Game, Fish, and Park address turkey shooting in Stanley County
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- Could Stanley County be getting a fall turkey hunting season this year? That question is being considered by the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission. Wildlife Program Administrator Andrew Norton says adding Stanley County to the fall turkey season is just one of the changes officials are looking at. The other two… Read more »
Republican Senators react to President Biden’s immigration policy
WASHINGTON, D.C.(KELO)- Expect legal challenges to President Biden’s plan to provide a new pathway to citizenship for a half-million undocumented people. The plan requires them to be married to U-S citizens. Senator Mike Rounds questions whether the President has the authority to make the change. Iowa Senator Joni Ernst says the President’s recent actions on… Read more »
Aberdeen Spring Garden Walk takes place Thursday
ABERDEEN, S.D. (Hub City Radio) The Prairie Partners Master Gardeners invite you to the Aberdeen Spring Garden Walk on Thursday, June 20th from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Connie Groop, a member of the Prairie Partners Master Gardeners, stopped by to talk about what the Master Gardeners are all about. Groop explains the main reason… Read more »
Senate Democrats are doubling down on a summer of show votes
WASHINGTON, D.C.(HubCityRadio)- Senator John Thune on the floor of the U.S. Senate Tuesday criticizes Democrats for a series of votes that have no chance of passing the floor. Thune runs down bills going through this process. Thune believes Republicans are more than happy to challege the Democrat agenda beginning with the southern border. Thune moves… Read more »
DWU Learn & Earn program in Pierre taking applications for fourth cohort
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Dakota Wesleyan University’s Learn & Earn program offered at the Capital City Campus in Pierre is accepting applications for its fourth cohort, which will begin in August. The program, offered entirely on site in Pierre, is a 16-month path to a professional career and associate degree for students. Coordinator Jessica Carr says the… Read more »
Joel Carda receive first ever Citizens Valor Award
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Tuesday’s Brown County Commission meeting, history was made as the first time ever a citizen received the new Citizens Valor Award. Brown County Emergency Manager Scott Meints talks about what the award is. Brown County Sheriff Dave Lunzman announced Joel Carda receiving the award.
Recap on summer study dealing with AI
PIERRE, S.D.(KELO)- South Dakota legislators dipped their toes into the waters of Social Media and Artificial Intelligence this morning. The legislative study committee will eventually be taking a deep dive into the subject, as they work to protect minors from harmful effects. State Education Secretary Dr. Joseph Graves testified this morning that already, smart phones… Read more »