ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The people in favor of IM27(legalizing recreational marijuana) has now opened a new office at 1812 6th Ave SE here in Aberdeen. Matthew Schweich, campaign director for South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws talked about his support for IM27. Schweich talked about Amendment A that was approved by the voters back in 2020.… Read more »
News Category: Local News
SDSU President receive a national award
BROOKINGS, S.D.(KJJQ)- South Dakota State University Barry Dunn is the winner of the 2022 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Higher Education. Dunn will receive an $50,000 and an awards sculpture. Dunn was recognized for his work to improve college access for Native Americans through the Wokini Initiative. The Wokini Initiative began in 2016 and… Read more »
Drug Enforcement Agency looking out for rainbow fentanyl
OMAHA, N,E,(WNAX)- There are warnings of so called “rainbow fentanyl” being a danger to kids trick or treating this Halloween. Emily Murray, with the regional Drug Enforcement Agency Office in Omaha, says they haven’t seen evidence of that in the region yet. Murray says they want kids and their parents to be aware. Murray says… Read more »
Fort Pierre to Rapid City, Plankinton area rail projects receive federal grant funds
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Two railroad projects in South Dakota– including one at Fort Pierre– have been awarded a total of around $2.6 million federal funding to make upgrades and improve safety. Jack Dokken is the program manager for the South Dakota Department of Transportation’s Offices of Aeronautics, Railroad and Transit. He says the RCP&E is getting… Read more »
USD looking to expand their campus in Sioux Falls
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(WNAX)- Planning for expansion and growth at the University of South Dakota – Sioux Falls will be a priority. President Sheila Gestring expanded on their plans for that facility during her “State of the U” speech last week. Gestring says they will focus on workforce development. Gestring says they expect to see strong… Read more »
Board of Regents provides an update on SB55
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota Board of Regents held an online review of the progress they have made in responding to SB55. That bill was passed in last years legislature and laid out efficiency goals for the Regents and the six state universities. Regents Executive Director Brian Maher says they have several plans underway. Maher… Read more »
Recap of Friday night’s Governor Debate in Rapid City
RAPID CITY, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The three candidates for Governor of the South Dakota held their first debate Friday night in Rapid City. The three candidates are the incumbent Governor Kristi Noem(R), & her challengers, Representative Jamie Smith(D) & Tracey Quint(L). On Wednesday, Governor Noem announced her plans to eliminate the grocery tax if reelected, she discussed… Read more »
Recap of the Brown County Candidate Forum held Thursday
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Thursday, the candidates for the Brown County Commission held a forum at Engels Event Center hosted by Hub City Cups. The candidates are the incumbents Mike Wiese(R), Mike Gage(R), & the challengers Drew Dennert(R) & Chad Fischbach(D). All the candidates talked about the issue of the regional jails for Brown County. Drew… Read more »
South Dakota Transportation Committee met Thursday
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- The South Dakota Transportation Commission met Thursday in Pierre. Department Secretary Joel Jundt said their transportation plan was accepted by the federal government. Jundt said they also had their electric vehicle charging port plan approved. Jundt says it will take some time to get those charging stations online. Jundt also said they were… Read more »
Governor’s Debate scheduled for tonight in Rapid City
RAPID CITY, S.D. (Dakota News Now) -Dakota News Now will host a debate between Gov. Kristi Noem (R, S.D.) and Rep. Jamie Smith (D, S.D.), and libertarian candidate Tracey Quint as they compete for the position of South Dakota Governor. The debate airs Friday, September 30th, at 7:00 pm on Fox Sioux Falls and sister… Read more »