PIERRE, S.D.(SDBA)- The Senate Appropriations Committee voted 5-3 Thursday to move a childcare assistance bill to the 41st day, effectively killing the measure for this session. Senate Bill 126 would have increased childcare assistance rates from 75 to 90 percent of the market rate for eligible families below 209 percent of the federal poverty level.… Read more »
News Category: Pure Country News
Joint Committee on Appropriations send prison funding bill to South Dakota House with no recommendations
PIERRE, S.D.(SDBA)- Another committee hearing…and the prison funding bill is still alive. The Legislature’s Joint Appropriations committee heard another hour of testimony this morning on a proposal to build an 825-million dollar men’s penitentiary in Lincoln County. One consistent question came up again…why is it more than twice as expensive as a prison project in… Read more »
Senate Commerce & Energy Committee defeat SCR606
PIERRE, S.D. (SDBA) — A resolution highlighting security concerns about carbon dioxide pipelines failed in the Senate Commerce and Energy Committee on a 5-4 vote Thursday. Senate Concurrent Resolution 606, sponsored by Sen. Lauren Nelson, R-Yankton, would have expressed legislative concerns about potential terrorist threats to proposed carbon dioxide pipelines. “District 18 voters’ concerns about… Read more »
Impact if Skywest is EAS contract for Pierre & Watertown Airports
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- If the U.S. Department of Transportation approves SkyWest Airlines as the Essential Air Service provider for the Pierre and Watertown airports, both airports could be entering uncharted territory. Following about three years of regulatory challenges, paperwork dated Feb. 13, 2025, shows that the USDOT tentatively approved SkyWest Charter’s application to operate as a… Read more »
South Dakota Senate passes HB1053
PIERRE, S.D.(KELO)- All that’s needed now is the Governor’s signature. The South Dakota Senate unanimously passed HB1053 requiring poronographic websites to verify the age of people trying to access those sites. Bill Sponsor, Representative Bethany Soye of Sioux Falls, says it’s an effort to protect minors from the harm of pornography. The bill already passed… Read more »
Congressman Johnson discuss his plans for 2026 elections
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- South Dakota’s United States Congressman could be changing jobs in 2026. During a stop at the DRG Media Group radio stations Wednesday afternoon, Dusty Johnson said he might for governor. As far as a formal announcement of his candidacy, Johnson said he doesn’t anticipate doing that in the near future.
Governor Rhoden react to the firing of federal employees
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Federal government employees have been fired nationwide, but Governor Larry Rhoden says state officials don’t know how many of those employees were in South Dakota. So far, Rhoden says, state employees are still receiving the information they need from the federal level in order to administer programs such as SNAP or Medicaid. If… Read more »
South Dakota House didn’t pass HB1260(Biological sex on legal documents)
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota House debated HB1260 on Wednesday. The bill require that birth certificates and certain official documents reflect biological sex. Prime sponsor was Representative Brandei Schaefbauer of Aberdeen. Schaefbauer explains why the sex on these documents are needed. Opposition to the bill included Representative Will Mortenson of Fort Pierre who voted in… Read more »
South Dakota House passes HB1259
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota House debated HB1259. The bill prohibit unauthorized access to certain multi-occupancy rooms and to provide a penalty therefor. Prime sponsor of the bill is Representative Brandei Schaefbauer of Aberdeen. Schaefbauer told the floor that boys don’t belong in girls’ restrooms and was motivated by an alleged incident that took place… Read more »
Senate State Affairs Committee defer SB49 to 41st day
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota Senate State Affairs Committee heard testimony on SB49. The bill prohibit the exercise of the right of eminent domain for the construction of certain facilities. Prime sponsor of the bill was Senator John Carley of Piedmont. Carley explains the purpose of the bill. Opposing the bill was lobbyist for Summit… Read more »