ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Christmas Day, the Aberdeen Regional Airport officially received 2.5 inches of snow. As a result of the snowfall, the City of Aberdeen announced a partial Snow Removal Alert which means the city was removing snow in the downtown area on Monday night. Some people complained about now doing snow removal on residential street.
At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting City Manager Joseph Gaa explains the thinking behind that decision.
Gaa talks about the staff at Aberdeen Public Works are ready to remove snow on residential streets if needed.
City Engineer Robin Bobzien talks about the risk/reward of deciding about snow removals.
The Aberdeen City Council offered advice about this topic. City Councilman David Novstrup express concerns about waiting too long for snow removal could cause snow drifts on city streets.
The cost of a 24-hour snow removal of the city is around $75,000. That prompted Councilman Rob Ronayne to say to wait until the next snow event before doing this.
Bobzien reminds the citizens generally how much snow is needed to prompt a Snow Removal Alert.
Extended forecast calls for potentially 2-4″ of snow for both Monday of next week.