Congressman Johnson talks about his bill dealing with investments by foreign adversaries

WASHINGTON, D.C.(KELO)- State investment managers should be free to pull investments from foreign adversaries.

That’s the gist of a bill introduced by Congressman Dusty Johnson, and supported by Governor Kristi Noem.

Investment managers are required by federal law to invest for the best returns.

Johnson says that makes sense, except in cases where the investments could come back to haunt our nation.

His bill has the support of Governor Kristi Noem, who’s taken similar action on the state level.

Johnson says investment managers should be free to pull their money from those companies.

It’s all a part of a bill introduced by Congressman Dusty Johnson, allowing state investment managers to divest from companies with ties to foreign adversaries.

Investment managers are required by federal law to invest for the best returns.

Johnson says that makes sense, except in cases when companies are working on projects that could be used to attack the U-S.