Executive Director Joe Heinrich weigh in on the heat & Navigator’s petition with the PUC

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Executive Director for Smart Carbon Network, Joe Heinrich offers his take on Navigator’s petition for the CO2 pipeline along their route in mostly southeast South Dakota.

Prior to discussing this, Heinrich who’s an Iowa farmer also addressed the heat and the impact on the livestock.

Heinrich explains how this is impacting the beef industry.

Heinrich notes that this is different for the dairy industry.

The state of Iowa has seen the heat index in excess of 110 degrees.

Heinrich offers his take on the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission’s hearing with Navigator.  He talks about what’s his overall impression so far.

We learned this week that Navigator has about 30% easement from landowners compared to 70% by Summit Carbon Solutions.  Heinrich offer his take on why that’s the case.

Profitability of the pipeline was discussed this week at the PUC.  Heinrich talks how this is beneficial to the ethanol industry.

One big concern the PUC has brought up is the safety of these pipelines.  One option could be is waiting on Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration(PHMSA) to release their finding on pipeline safety.  Heinrich feels if the PUC does that, it would be similar to a stall tactic.

Hienrich looks ahead to what he would like to see discussed in this week’s hearing with the PUC.

Navigator’s hearing with the PUC resumes Monday & scheduled to last for the entire week.