Farmers with Expiring CRP Contracts can now Re-enroll

YANKTON, SD (WNAX Radio):  Farmers and ranchers with expiring Conservation Reserve Program contracts may now re-enroll in certain C-R-P continuous sign up practices, or if eligible select a one-year contract extension.  Offers are also being accepted from those who want to enroll for the first time. The signup is open until August 23. South Dakota Farm Service Agency Conservation program director Owen Fagerhaug says those interested should check in at their county FSA office.


He’s expecting a large interest in C-R-P for this enrollment or re-enrollment as it’s been a very popular program in South Dakota.

Fagerhaug says those who’ve been hampered by wet weather and flooding this spring may want to consider C-R-P and sign up as soon as possible.

Fagerhaug recommends those wanting to enroll or re-enroll call their county FSA office for an appointment.