Former South Dakota Speaker address location for new men’s prison

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- With one week down of the 2024 South Dakota Legislative session, two major items haven’t received any mention…pipelines and prisons.

Landowners are fighting against carbon capture pipelines…and the proposed location of a men’s penitentiary near Harrisburg.

Former State House Speaker Steve Haugard says there’s something missing in the prison discussion…a point that’s mentioned in the preface of the prison site study report.

Haugard says the current location of the penitentiary has sufficient land to build a facility.

Haugard says something that’s needed before building a new penitentiary is criminal justice review, and possibly reform.

He says high security facilities are needed for the extremely dangerous members of the prison population…but not for all inmates.

Landowners are fighting the proposed location of a large new penitentiary near Harrisburg.

Haugard says there’s room to build any needed facilities at the current penitentiary location in Sioux Falls.