Get to know Brown County Commission Candidate Kyler Dinger

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Brown County Commission Candidate Kyler Dinger appeared on Friday on the KSDN Evening Report to talk about his campaign.

Dinger talks about his background.

Dinger talks about his motivation to run one of two county commission seat.

Dinger discuss his platform if elected to the commission.

Dinger talks about the ways he would like to see the commission promote the museum.

Dinger did signed the petition to place a referendum to repeal SB201(local control).  Brown County has an ordinance in place with a 1500 ft setback for the CO2 pipelines.  he was asked if he would adjust  the distance for the setbacks.

Dinger was asked about ways to help funding for projects that will need to be done at the Brown County Fairgrounds.

Dinger discuss ways to improve relations between the Brown County Sheriff’s Office & the Aberdeen Police Department.

One issue under the radar is the issue of the types of elections for County Commission.  Commissioner Duane Sutton mention in a candidate forum that he would like them similar to city elections.  No party affiliation is factor in those.  Dinger explains why he feels party affiliation should be a part of county elections.

Dinger was asked to distinguish himself from his opponents, Commissioner Duane Sutton & challenger Michael Carlsen.

You can check out the full interview at