GOAC members reject performance report from Department of Education

PIERRE, S.D. (WNAX) – The Government Operations and Audit Committee of the South Dakota legislature is responsible for monitoring the performance of state departments and agencies.

At their last meeting of the interim Monday, members of the panel voted against accepting the performance report from the state Department of Education.

Committee Chairman, Senator Ryan Maher of Isabel, told Education Secretary Ben Jones they need more specific information.

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Representative Sue Peterson of Sioux Falls says the report doesn’t meet their standards.

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The issue has been faltering scores on standardized student testing.

Senator John Wiik of Big Stone City says Jones has limited authority.

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The committee voted 6-2 to not accept the report and ask that they get better numbers after the end of the legislative session in March. The report from the department is supposed to be delivered no later than Nov. 15 each year.