Governor Rhoden comments following the signing of HB1052

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- South Dakota Governor Larry Rhoden signed a bill that a bill that takes the eminent domain option away from companies wanting to build a carbon capture pipeline in the state.

However, Rhoden also emphasized that House Bill 1052 does not kill a pipeline project proposed by Iowa-based company Summit Carbon Solutions.

HB 1052 was a direct response from pipeline opponents frustrated by the actions of Summit Carbon Solutions. They said Summit employees have conducted land surveys without permission and have used misleading information to get landowners to sign leases allowing Summit’s proposed pipeline to be built across their property.

Rhoden said Summit needs to earn back the trust of South Dakotans, which he admits won’t be easy.

Rhoden outlined his reasons for signing the bill in a letter to the legislature and people of South Dakota.

Summit’s proposed pipeline project would connect ethanol companies in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota to an underground storage site in southwestern North Dakota.